

Coupons & Discounts

Coupons can be sent to customers and then used to reduce the price of their listing. They will enter the Coupon Code in the “Coupon Code” field during checkout. Discounts are applied to all ad packages and do not require a coupon code. Discounts are available to everyone during checkout whenever they are available. To view your list of coupons and discounts, click the “Coupons & Discounts” link. A page appears with your coupons and discounts listed.

Coupon or Discount
If you would like to create a coupon, choose “Coupon”. If you would like to create a discount, choose “Discount” here. (Coupons require a code to be entered by the customer during checkout. Discounts are associated with all packages and available to everyone. Discounts do not need a code to be entered in order to be applied.)
Coupon or Discount Name
Enter the name of your new coupon or discount here.
Coupon Code
Create a coupon code and enter it here. If you are creating a discount, nothing will be entered in this field. This is the coupon code that you will send to your customer that they can use during checkout.
Discount Type
If you would like to provide a percentage discount off the package price, choose “Percentage” here. If you would like to provide a flat-rate discount, enter “Flat Rate” here.
Discount Amount
Enter the value of the discount or coupon here. Do not enter the percentage symbol (%) or currency symbol. For example, if you want to create a 50% discount, choose “Percentage” in the Discount Type field and enter 50 in the Discount Amount field. If you want to create a $1 discount, choose “Flat Rate” in the Discount Type field and enter 1 in the Discount Amount field.
Number Available
Enter the number of discount or coupons available here. Once the discount or coupon has been used this many times, it will not be available for use for future customers.
Ending Date
If you would like the coupon or discount availability to expire on a specific date, enter that date here. Use a format of YYYY-MM-DD
Please select which user groups can use this coupon or discount
If you would like to designate the coupon or discount availability to specific groups, choose those groups here. At least one group must be chosen. If you would like to choose more than one group, hold down your “Ctrl” key while clicking.
With this field you can select a username that the coupon or discount applies to.

Keep in mind that all settings must be matched before a coupon or discount is applied. If you create a coupon for the usergroup “Registered Users” and try to place an ad as an administrator then the coupon will not be applied.

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