


This shows you the differences between the selected revision and the current version of the page.

plugins:get_extra_field 2008/11/05 11:14 plugins:get_extra_field 2008/11/05 11:15 current
Line 9: Line 9:
===== Usage ===== ===== Usage =====
To use this plugin just add the following to the place you want it displayed: To use this plugin just add the following to the place you want it displayed:
-''{get_extra_field id=2 fid=1}''+<code>{get_extra_field id=2 fid=1}</code>
===== Example ===== ===== Example =====
viewlisting page you would use: viewlisting page you would use:
-''{get_extra_field id=$view fid=1}''+<code>{get_extra_field id=$view fid=1}</code>
showlistings page you would use: showlistings page you would use:
-''{get_extra_field id=$ fid=1}''+<code>{get_extra_field id=$ fid=1}</code>

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