

This is an old revision of the document!


The settings section of the administration allows you to set up your site and handle almost all the sites functionality.

List of settings

Template Editor

The template editor allows you to edit a template right from the administration.

In order to use this you will need CHMOD each file to 777 so it is writable by the server.

When you are modifying a template at the bottom of the form it has a compare button which will compare the current file to the original file on 68 Classifieds server. This is useful for comparing your changes with the original and also finding any errors from making changes.

Page Editor

68 Classifieds administration includes the ability to create, modify and delete content pages.

Five content pages are included during the initial installation and they are as follows:

Home Page
This is the text that is displayed on your sites home page.
Terms & Conditions
This is your terms and conditions which popup when a user registers.
The about page is just an about us or information about your company.
With this page you can create a faq or something similiar.
Contact Us
The contact us page text is used to display information above the form at the page contactus.php
You can add new pages or modify existing ones. However you can only delete pages that you have created. You can not delete the 5 listed above.

When you are adding or modifying a page at the bottom it has a select list to show or hide the page from view. However you can override this by manually liking to the page.

To manually link to a page you would create a link in your template to pages.php?page=X where x is the id of the page you want displayed.

Please Note: The default pages can not be deleted because they are used internally. However any additional pages you create can be deleted.

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