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Regional Settings

The regional settings page allows you to edit all of the regional or local settings. This includes:

Site Language
This is the language the frontend will appear in.
Administration Language
This is the language the administration will appear in.
Date Format
Format for the date that the users will see. This feature uses PHP's date function and you can get more information from here.
Administration Date Format
Format for the date that the administrators will see. This feature uses PHP's date function and you can get more information from here.
Currency Symbol
This is the currency symbol you wish to use. Default is $ or the US money format.
Currency Decimal
This is what you use for the decimal symbol. In the US it is a period where other countries use a comma.
Currency Places
This is the number of decimal places.
Thousands Separator
This is the symbol you use in the thousands place. In the US we use a comma and some other countries use decimals.
Currency Symbol comes before the numbers
Should the currency symbol come before the numbers or after. If yes it comes before. If no it comes after.

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