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administration:settings:modules 2009/04/16 20:00 administration:settings:modules 2009/04/16 20:02 current
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  - To delete a module you would click "Delete" which will drop any tables or change back any alterations made by the module. This will not delete the files from your server and you can click regenerate to have the module seen again.   - To delete a module you would click "Delete" which will drop any tables or change back any alterations made by the module. This will not delete the files from your server and you can click regenerate to have the module seen again.
 +===== Notes =====
 +All modules must be in their own folders and contain at least a config.php file. So if the module is named "seo" then it should have a folder named "seo" and inside this a config.php file.
 +For example: modules/seo/config.php. 

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